May Day Festival
Springtime is a celebration of new growth. May Day comes with freshness and freedom! We dance and sing around the maypole and braid the ribbon with laughter and music.
Everyone wears white, children wear their handmade crowns. We close with a delicious picnic lunch, shared treats, and lemonade.
Open House
Open Houses for Prospective Families are a wonderful way to meet some teachers, see the classrooms, and learn more about what makes our school such a special place. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the Inquire Here form and indicate which date you plan to attend.
Open House
Open Houses for Prospective Families are a wonderful way to meet some teachers, see the classrooms, and learn more about what makes our school such a special place. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the Inquire Here form and indicate which date you plan to attend.
Grades Community Storytime with Lyn Ford
At the Juniper School, we love to deepen into the feeling of the changing seasons through story. This happens every week in the classroom, but before breaks in the school rhythm, we have begun a tradition of inviting families to hear a special story together.
On Tuesday, November 26, Grades families are invited to hear local wisdom holder and accomplished storyteller Lyn Ford tell a story to remember and contemplate the Indigenous people of this land. Please come before 2:15 to the back door and up to the Poppy First Grade classroom. Bring your listening ears and open heart! Warning: there might be some long laughter with Lyn!
Harvest Festival
Join our school and wider community to celebrate the Harvest with song, dance, and crafts!
First Day of School for Early Childhood!
Welcome back, Kindergarten and Early Childhood classes!
Kindergarten and EC Caregiver Orientation
Please join us to learn about this school year and to meet teachers and other parents!
Grades Caregiver Orientation
Please join us to learn about this school year and meet classroom teachers and other parents.
Grades Class Plays
Join our Grades Classes for a performance you won’t want to miss! Each class has prepared a play, complete with costumes and props, for your entertainment.
Open House
We invite you to come meet the teachers and see our school. Children are welcome to attend too!
Due to weather, we will be rescheduling today’s Open House. Those who have indicated interest will receive an email about rescheudling!
Prospective Families are invited to visit the school and talk with faculty!
Open House!
Prospective Families are invited to visit the school and talk with faculty.
Spiral Walk
The Grades students and their families will gather for a quiet celebration, bringing their light into the darkness of the season.
School Picture Days!
Students will get their individual and class pictures taken. More info will be sent out in the weeks prior.
Early Dismissal - Professional Development time for Teachers
Quality care and programming is available at no charge for families who are unable to accommodate this early release time.